Harvest Baptist Bible College

Our Purpose... HBBC is a private Bible college designed to train men and ladies for Christian ministry. It is our purpose to provide a spiritual, academic, and cultural atmosphere that will produce well-rounded leaders. We are committed to training laymen for the work of the Lord they are to do in their local church. We have centered our program around the New Testament local church. We are committed to training preachers who will go from here to build Bible-believing, fundamental, separated, soulwinning churches.

Our Fundamental Emphasis... We are a fundamental Baptist college, and we are not ashamed to use the word fundamental. We believe in a literal Hell which has fire and brimstone, a literal Heaven, and the pre-millennial coming of Jesus Christ; we stress the fundamentals of the faith.

Our Motivation... is to provide, on a totally love-offering basis, a solid Bible training for men and women who desire to serve the Lord with their lives. This is a faith ministry. We operate by faith, and in doing so, we are setting an example for those who train here to live by faith. If a student is within driving distance of his/her home church, we desire that he/she travel home each weekend to serve in their local church. Classes are held Tuesday through Friday so that students can be home on the weekends.

Our Bible... We use only the King James Version Bible. We believe that God has preserved His blessed Word and that the KJV is the preserved Word of God for the English speaking people of the world.

Our Separatist Position... Absolutely no drinking, smoking, or dancing is allowed in the lives of war students. Our students are encouraged not to attend theaters or to involve themselves in entertainment that damages one's conscience or Christian testimony.

Our Soulwinning Emphasis... All faculty, staff, and students are required to go soulwinning weekly. Students participate in the evangelistic ministries of the Harvest Baptist Church. The church ministries are knocking on 1,300 new doors per week.

Our Dress Code... many think that our dress code is too strict. Ladies may not wear shorts or slacks. Skirts above the knees are not allowed. Men must wear neckties to class and must have short hair cuts. More information is vailable upon request.

Our Old-Fashioned Discipline... Young ladies and young men may not date alone in cars. Absolutely no hand holding or other intimacies are allowed between the sexes. We support a courtship relationship rather than the worldly ideas of dating.

Our Financial Costs... HBBC operates completely on a love-offering basis. We encourage each person enrolled to faithfully support the work of God here through love offerings. We do not want their local church tithes or offerings.

Statement of Faith