Parenting: What an Unbelievable Responsibility

XAs I have started raising my own children all kinds of questions begin to roll through my head.
XWhat should I teach my children?
XWhat should be my main emphasis?
XWhat kind of activities should I and shouldn’t I allow my children to be a part of?
XWho should I allow my children to be around?
XWhat kinds of boundaries will I place on my children now and when they get older?
XWill I allow my children to miss church activities for other activities?
XI do not know all of my answers for all of the questions that are running through my head, but I know this, as I raise my children and they begin to ask me questions it is important that I have the answers for my children.
XI am sure that I am not the only person that is seeing the downhill state of America and its standards and convictions. Because of this downhill state, our small town communities are becoming more and more affected by this. As my daughters are going to be in this world, it is so important for me to train them to not be a part of this world. What a struggle it is to raise teenagers and children in such an ungodly nation! We have rock music in just about every store that you step into. We have half-dressed women all over the place. Parents, we must tell our children that these things are wrong. I would hate for my daughters to become as Lot. The Bible says he vexed his righteous soul. As parents it is important for us to keep righteousness before our children. It is important for us to tell our children when they see something wrong that it is wrong. Parents, remember, “Righteousness exalteth a nation.” Let’s train our children to live righteous in an unrighteous nation. You can never go wrong in teaching them these things.

Youth Pastor,
Marvin E. Smith IV